Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, creatine gummies provide the same benefits as powder. The difference is the absorption speed. Creatine absorption speed isn’t as important as with other supplements as it’s a supplement you need to take daily rather than one you take for instant benefits.
The key things to consider is the amount of creatine you are taking (this should be based off of your body weight) and being consistent with taking the supplement.
Read more about this on Do Creatine Gummies Work
Yes, creatine is very stable under high tempretures which means it can be added to products (such as gummies) during the cooking process without it losing effectiveness.
To get the full benefits from creatine you should look at the optimal amount for your body weight.
Read more on our blog Are Creatine Gummies Effective?
Yes, creatine is one of the most tested gym supplements and is for anyone looking to improve their...
- strength
- power
- muscle mass
- exercise performance
- Recovery speed
Creatine has been thought to offer more noticeable benefits to women than men due to having less creatine in their bodies.
There is a myth that creatine is a steriod, when in actual fact it is found naturally in the body. Supplementing creatine allows your body to get the optimal amount of creatine to aid you with sports performance.
The amount needed all depends on your weight and if you are starting out, you may want to load creatine. If you are under 55kg aim for 3g of creatine, and if above this aim for 4-5g.
Some people choose to load creatine in the first few weeks of taking the supplement, this it to shorten the amount of time it takes to get the benefits. This approach isn't needed for the average gym goer as you'll get the benefits within a month of consistently taking creatine. Some people who load creatine experience bloating which can be avoided by taking 3-5g of creatine per day.
You can take creatine gummies whenever is convenient for yourself. The main thing to consider is consistency and ensuring you are drinking enough water for the gummies to be effective.